BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Banlieue nord BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Besoin d'amour BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Ce soir on danse à naziland BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Complainte de la serveuse automate BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Coup de foudre BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Duo d'adieu BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Ego triop BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - La chanson de ziggy BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Le blues du businessman (j'aurais voulu être un artiste) BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Le monde est stone BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Le rêve de stella spotlight BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Les adieux d'un sex-symbol BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Les uns contre les autres BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Monopolis BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Ouverture BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Petite musique terrienne BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Quand on arrive en ville BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Quand on n'a plus rien à perdre BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - S.o.s d'un terrien en détresse BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Travesti BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Un enfant de la pollution BERGER MICHEL / PLAMONDON LUC - Un garçon pas comme les autres
On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of Starmania, here is the official songbook (validated by the creators and beneficiaries) of Michel Berger's rock opera and Luc Plamondon is finally available. Includes the 22 original songs with new scores in the creation tones, guitar diagrams adapted to the piano score (chords on bass), complete lyrics but also rare and unpublished documents from the personal collections of Michel Berger and Luc Plamondon (excerpts from original handwritten scores, his legendary Black Notebooks, drafts by Luc Plamondon, photos). As a bonus, and for the first time, the scores of the two greatest hits of the English version Tycoon: The world is stone and Only the very best performed by Cyndi Lauper and Peter Kingsbery.And to top it off, a little contest around from Starmania will allow you to win one of three CD re-releases of the original 1978 version, the first live at the Palais des Congrès in 1979 and live at the Théâtre de Paris in 1988.